Towne's Harvest Garden
Towne's Harvest Garden is a 3-acre diversified vegetable plot located at the MSU Horticulture Farm. The name of the garden connects the history of the land to the present. Towne is the surname of one of five farmers who formerly owned land which was eventually deeded to MSU. The land where the Horticulture Farm and the Towne's Harvest Garden is located has been nicknamed Towne's farm for several decades.
This farm is ran by several different classes of students, such as a 200-level SFBS summer internship and Montana Dietetic Internship interns, with its bounty available through several CSA options, a campus farm stand and the Community Food Truck.
For more information visit:
Community Food Truck
The food sold from the truck is all grown at Townes Harvest Garden and strives to increase access to fresh, local produce to less accessible populations at an affordable rate.
This program is a collaborative effort between several organizations: Gallatin Valley Food Bank, Towne's Harvest Garden, Friends of Local Foods, Montana State University, HRDC.
If you have questions about the Community Food Truck, please email or Kara 406-396-0873.
Towne's Food Forest
The students of the Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems program have been granted permission to design and implement a food forest landscape on the North end of Townes Harvest Garden- along Garfield St. However, because a food forest can take many years to develop and grow to its ultimate potential, the design will also be a gradual process. Rather than design and plant the entire area in a single season, the landscape will be influenced by each class of Townes Harvest Practicum students. This will give students from every class a sense of ownership over the landscape. Let this blog serve as your way of keeping up with the food forest's progress.
For the latest updates, jump on over to the blog dedicated to this projects progress.
Local Food Guide to Bozeman
Friends of Local Foods is diligently tackling a new project: a Local Food Guide to Bozeman. This tri-fold brochure will highlight local grocery stores, farmers markets, and Bozeman's local restaurants that serve a large quantity of locally sourced food. We hope to have these printed and distributed to buildings on Montana State campus, hotels, restaurants, and grocery stores all around town. This project will help tourist and those not familiar with the area find locally sourced food. For more updates on this project, please check the Friends of Local Foods Facebook page frequently. If you would like to help with this project please contact Dylan Fishman at (847) 409-5567, or come join us at one of our weekly meetings that take place Thursdays at 5:15pm at Sola Cafe.